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Prevailing Voice Daily 6th February

Feb 6, 2020

6th February, 2020
Text: 2nd Corinthians 12:9KJV

9 He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

In part one we defined weakness as the state of not being strong or powerful. It is also a fault or disadvantage in a person’s character or lifestyle and we said there are certain perspectives with which people view weakness, some see it as their destiny, other see as their cross.

Today we want to discuss another crucial perspective of men about weakness and that is disease. Alot see and believe that their weakness is their disease. Really weakness and disease have things in common. Disease is defined as a disorder of structure or function in a human, this is quite similar to that of weakness defined above. Also as a disease can eat deep into a human body to cause harm to the body structure or function, likewise a weakness can eat deep into a human to cause harm to him. As a disease in a man can become infectious to others around him, so can a weakness of a man infect or affect others around him negatively. Generally diseases cause or bring about weaknesses but not all weaknesses are diseases.

Beloved one thing is important and that is your faith, because many believe that a weakness is a disease in their life, they have been living as such that it is a part of them. The scripture says the just shall live by faith (Galatians 3:11). If you have faith that the weakness is not your disease then help is on the the way for you. It is important you understand that God did not create you with that weakness, and that God made you perfect, infact you are so fearfully and wonderfully made by God and so whatever it is that stands as a weakness in you in this journey of life should dealt with in all seriously and not accommodated as part of your burden, cross or destiny in life. God bless you.

* Father, I cast out every weakness in me in Jesus Name.

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