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Prevailing Voice Daily, 3rd January 2020.

Jan 3, 2020

3rd January, 2020.
Text: Psalms 90:12.

12: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Calendar is the numbering of days, the ending of a year and the beginning of another is subtraction in the number of days we are to live on Earth. Some are already getting birthday wishes, we all are getting older, not younger.

Our text is a prayer request, Moses, the author of Psalm 90, was asking God to teach us how to number our days, so that we can take wise decision. Let’s see the verse in New Living Translation 12: Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom. Take note of the word ‘ brevity ‘, it is from the word brief, it means being brief, in other words Moses was saying teach us to realize that our life on Earth is brief.

Look at verse 10 of the same chapter in NLT; Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away. So the author was referring to the brevity of human life on Earth. Seventy and Eight years is small, the death rate around this age bracket is high, and we say, ‘ a well lived life, survived by children, grand children and great grand children ‘, but in the real context it is brief. Take a thought of your activities 20 years ago, it look like just yesterday, that’s the brevity.

A song writer wrote thus;

Mobile Category

Life at best is very brief,
Like the falling of a leaf,
Like the binding of a sheaf
Be in time!
Fleeting days are telling fast
That the die will soon be cast,
And the fatal line be passed,
Be in time!
Be in time! Be in time!
While the voice of Jesus calls you,
Be in time!
If in sin you longer wait,
You may find no open gate,
And your cry be just too late:
Be in time!

To be truthful to ourselves, not everyone who sees the year will end it. Moses went ahead to ask God, ‘…that we may apply our heart to wisdom ‘, what does this mean? Apply wisdom to your life by living right and should death come, you reign with God in eternity, in as much as I wish you long life, you must understand that death can come at anytime, this is not to instill fear in your heart, but to get you ready for the longest life, eternity.

We can’t be here forever, death is not the end, but the beginning of eternity. If there is a new year resolution you must make it is to ensure you do not lose your soul to hell when death comes or rapture takes place. Apply your heart unto wisdom, give your life to Christ and abstain from sin. Stay rapturable.

* Help me Lord to apply my heart unto wisdom this year and always.

Jonah 4, John 11.
For prayer and counselling call this lines

in January, 2020. @ PRAISE PAVILION INT’L.

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