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Prevailing Voice Daily 6th October

Oct 6, 2019

6th October
Text: Nehemiah 4:6

6 So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work

In part six, we discussed that we need to rise and build glorious home which is a functional unit of the church.

Today by the grace of God, we want to round off on this topic and our focus is building a glorious church.

When Jesus was on the earth, his primary assignment was to preach the gospel, this he declared in John 9:4 saying

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no can work.

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But his ultimate assignment while he was about to depart from the earth was to present to his father a church, I mean a glorious, this was declared in Ephesians 5:27 saying

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

The word “Glorious” is defined as worthy of bringing fame and admiration, it also means having a striking beauty or splendour. That is the nature of the church Jesus seeks to build, a church with beauty and splendour, a church worthy of bringing fame and admiration, a church he will be proud of before his father. In preparation for this, Jesus promised one thing that upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall no prevail (Matt 16:18)

What role do you and I have to play in building a glorious church? It is to partner with Jesus to build his church on the rock and to ensure that the gates of hell do not prevail. The devil is very stubborn, he knew it is written that the gates of hell shall not prevail against thechurch of God but because of his stubbornness he would go beyond his boundary unleashing the gates of hell against the church, therefore we must stand firm on the truth and the promise of Jesus closing up every gates unleashed by the devil against the church.

Beloved, let’s join hand together like Nehemiah and his men, let’s make ourselves worthy vessel in God’s hand to build his church. Let us arise and build for the Lord and the God of heaven will surely see us through. God bless you

* I surrender myself as a worthy vessel to build your church in Jesus Name

Ezekiel 20, Matthew 6.
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Sundays 9- 11am
and Wednesdays 6.30- 8 pm.

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