26th August.
Topic: POSSIBILITIES…part 12.
Text : 1 Corinthians 2:9,10.
9: But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10: But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
It has been inspirational all through since we began, I am trusting the Lord for everyone who has been following this series that your good dreams that appear impossible will come true in the name of Jesus. You must understand that when God speaks through his men he is set to do something, God doesn’t speak for speaking sake, something great is about to happen in your life, your work/ business/ ministry and family.
You will observed that the emphasis has been on the state of mind, and I was able to establish with scriptural passages that faith takes it root in the mind. Someone might want to have exceptions to this series by saying,’ why is the emphasis on the mind and not on the workings of the Holy Spirit?’ This part is focused on answering this question.
I started the series with the bible passage Luke 1:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
And that took us to how our minds function with respect to our faith in God which is rooted in our minds. Now what is the place of the Holy Spirit in making the impossibility possible.
You must understand that human beings are not robots, a man is a living being with a sound mind to take decisions about his life. God does not impose himself on us, he doesn’t compel man to do things, even Jesus was not compelled to die, I will explain that some other time.
This is what happens when God is about to give a man breakthrough: he inspires him by his Spirit, please give attention to the word, ‘ inspires ‘, not remotes or compels, that is God gives inspiration for his breakthrough, now what does the word, ‘ INSPIRATION ‘ mean? (dictionary meaning): Arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity. You see the mind showing up again,
see beloved we write PREVAILING VOICE DAILY carefully to ensure people are properly guided, that’s the reason regular readers don’t joke with it.
If God is going to do a great thing in your life, if he will make that which appears impossible possible, he will cause your mind to arise to it first, that is inspiration, you might not hear his voice audibly or have a revelation about it, but your mind will be moved towards, this is not mere thought, it is inspiration and not idea. Idea is a mere thought not influenced by the Holy Spirit. In my book ‘ DISCOVERING TREASURE THROUGH YOUR SPIRIT MAN, I discussed that in details, you can get a soft copy on our site.
You see the Holy Spirit moves your mind to do special thing, look at another definition of inspiration here: a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings. The word ‘ divinity ‘ is from the word divine, the Holy Spirit is the only divine personality that can transform our lives. I will tidy this up in part 13. God bless you.
* Holy Spirit give me an inspiration that will transform my life in Jesus name.
Jeremiah 39, 1 Peter 3.
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