• Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Prevailing Voice Daily 11th June

Jun 11, 2019

11th June
Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1KJV

1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Today we want to discuss life journey as a race for every individuals. We could live together as a family, friends and neighbours, we could work together as collegues or business partners, we could attend church services together as fellow believers and we could serve God together in his vineyard as fellow workers but when we leave of all these on the earth (the market place) and we return home, we shall give account of our life’s journey on earth to our maker individually.
In Luke 16, the story of Lazarus and the rich man obviously showed that both were not strangers to themselves on earth, we could say they were neighbours living in the same neighborhood, both journey through life as neighbours, the rich man had everything he wanted in life, let’s simply say he was comfortable but Lazarus was always in want of basic amenities of life. When they died, Lazarus found himself in a comfortable place (Abraham’s bossom) while the rich man found himself in a place of pain (hell). The rich man sought for help from Lazarus but Father Abraham made him understand that help cannot be rendered there, everyone for himself, everyone accountable to God for their journey on earth.
Beloved, as you journey through life, understand that you shall give account of everything you do here on earth, let me say everything you do in this market place before God when you return home and you shall be rewarded. Revelation 22:12 Jesus said “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be”. So let no man cause you to stumble, and don’t live your life looking up to another man because if they fail, you might follow suit, rather look unto Jesus the author and the finisher of your faith. God bless you
* Father, help me to run the race of life looking up to you in Jesus Name
Isaiah 38, 2 Corinthians 14
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