• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

7th June
Text: Joshua 1:8

8:This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

I want to tidy this up here. If you have been following this series of teaching you will agree with me that it has been a blessing. I have another series of teaching burning in my spirit-man it is titled DEALING WITH DEPRESSION, it will bless your soul, you may not be depressed but you will need it to help a depressed fellow.
The focus here is how to utilize God’s word in time of discouragement, do remember that discouragement comes through what you hear and what you see. When there is nothing within you that can confront what you see and what you hear you will definitely lose heart.
I understand what it means to be in need, to be under pressure, I know when a particular issue is about to result into shame or disgrace, when help seems to come from no where, when hope seems to be lost, when it appears God neither exist let alone answers prayers. Those are times you feel like losing heart, when you want to give up.
Before I talk about how to use God’s word, I will like you to know that you’re not the only person going through things, don’t let the devil, situations and circumstances around you make you feel like you’re the worst person on earth, never feel like there is nothing good about you. That thought is coming from the pit of hell.
You have to learn to use God’s word, first of all you must believe his words, I know when there is pressure prayer appears uninteresting, never mind, just keep praying, believing and quoting God’s word. God’s word will definitely turn things around.
Never allow anyone and anything make you feel bad. From my teenage, I have learnt not to be bothered by what anybody says, people’s opinions, views, comments hold nothing in your life, of course you can take good counsels from people but never allow what anybody does or says affect you negatively, just stand on the word of God, that is the sure foundation, what God says about your life matters a lot.
Oh! I have had a thousand and one reasons to be discouraged but I have learnt to stand on God’s word and promises for my life, I have seen mountains crumbled before me, I was a nobody but his grace added value to me. You will always find courage in the word of God, I have found scriptures that have changed situations and circumstances around me. Take courage from God’s word. God bless you.
* Lord, I believe what you say about me.
* Let your promises for my life come to pass in Jesus name.
Isaiah 34, 2 Corinthians 10.
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