• Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

26th February
Topic: THE LORD REIGNS….Part 3
Text: Isaiah 9:7

7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

In part 1 and 2, we discussed that the supreme and the Almighty God reigns every where, and that as mighty as God is, yet he gave man a choice to choose who reigns in his life and in his world (that is earth) and there are benefits when God reigns in any life, any people, and any nation. Today we want to consider the implication of not permitting God to reign willingly.
I have heard people who refuse to yield to God to reign in their lives say if God really want them to change, he should change them by himself. Such people have actually made a choice that God should enforce his reign over their lives and that God should humble them by himself. Beloved it is not a difficult thing for God to do but often has implication. To understand the implication let mr share a true life story with you.
One of my fathers in the Lord, shared a story of a man who he preached to severally to surrender his life to Christ and allow God to reign, but the man would refuse because he was a womaniser and he confessed that it was not possible for him to go to bed a night without fornicating, at last he said if God wanted him to change he should do so by himself then my father in the Lord prayed with him. After a while that man had a fatal accident which affected his spinal, while he was visited by the man of God in the hospital, his prayer point was if God would show mercy and healed him he would surrender to God totally. So when God humbles any man by himself, it may not be without a scar that one may live to remember.
A scriptural example to recon with is the story of Eli and his two sons, according 1 Samuel 2-3. God warned Eli about the waywardness of his sons but his response was God should do what seem right by himself (1 Samuel 3:18). And when God did what pleases him over Eli’s children, Eli himself nor any of his children lived to tell the story.
Beloved it is better to surrender to God willingly than to make him humble you by himself. Remember the scripture says in Proverbs 29:1He who is often rebuked and stiffens his neck will be destroyed suddenly, with no remedy“. God bless you
* Father, I surrender it all unto you come and reign in my life in Jesus Name
Psalms 148, John 4.
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