9th of February
Text: Luke 16: 22-31
22: And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
27: Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house:
28: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
I would have love to take part 2 of Effective Communication in Marriage, but I am suspending this because I had a prompting in my spirit to give a message from our ancestors.
Ancestor is defined as someone from whom you have descended. Your ancestors have a message for you, how do I know? Our passage is not a parable, Jesus started the story by saying, ‘ there was a rich man..’ it means the man actually existed. This story is one of several such experiences in hell, the rich man’s plead is the plead of everyone in hell.
There is a demand for quench of thirst, and there is a request for someone to tell their descendants not to make the mistake they made. The man rich man pleaded in verses 27 and 28, I see him saying, ‘ I have lost it already, it is too late for me, I am doomed forever, but please help send message to my 5 brethren, my people, that they may not come into this place ‘.
This is what is on the lips of everyone in hell, if you’re privilege to see your dead relatives who couldn’t make it to heaven, they have one thing to say: Please, warn every member of the family not to come to this place.
People die and we careless about where they go, the most unfortunate thing in life is that death comes unexpectedly, only few people are aware death is approaching before they die. God needs not to notify anyone before he takes his life, the rich died, so also the poor, education holds no ground when death comes.
The focus here is not why people die, but when they die where do they go? This is important because everything you have acquired perishes with this Earth, all your degrees in school ends on this Earth. Your multimillionaire business, building, and cars can’t cross with you, and if one of your ancestors is given an opportunity to talk to you, he has just one thing to tell you: DON’T COME TO WHERE I AM (HELL).
I once lived in a compound with a man who did love to gist with me, an elderly man, but did relate like mate, he died suddenly and after some days, I saw him in a dream, I asked him; Baba, where have you been? He replied by saying: THE PLACE IS DARK AND VERY HOT. When I got off the dream I knew baba has gone to hell.
The greatest risk you can take is to go to bed each night without the assurance of making it to heaven, or to go out each morning without the assurance of making it when death comes. The question is not how you die or when you die, but where will you go when death comes? How many times have you rejected the thought of death, in as as much as I would want you to live long, but death can come anytime, good people die untimely likewise bad people, no one got power over death, you just have to be prepared everyday.
What are you doing about your parents that are approaching their grave but are not saved? Are doing anything about the salvation of their souls, all cares you have given them will be of no relevance if they can’t make heaven.
What about your children? All the monies spent on them will amount to total waste if they can’t make heaven.
This is the message from our Ancestors who couldn’t make it to heaven, ‘ tell, every member of the family not to come to this place ‘.
When you die where will you go? Think and pray.
* Help me to tidy up my life, I want to reign with you Lord.
Psalms 133, Luke 11.
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All Sundays in February, 2019.
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