• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Prevailing Voice Daily 11th March

11th March
Text: Job 1:1-22
21: And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
22: In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
Job experienced strange things in his life, devil took permission from God and God granted him for 2 reasons; 1, God do allow the devil to an extent as long as the world exists. 2, God was set to take glory in the life of Job.
The enemy got permission for strange attacks on job’s life, it wasn’t God doing that the strange things happened, it wasn’t God that brought all those calamities upon him, but rather God saw him through all those attacks from the enemy. God was really out to take some glory in his life, He gave him the fortitude to bear all the losses and restored them in double fold in the end.
Though Job couldn’t understand the reason for all those attacks, in fact, he took them as it was the Lord taking him through things, he gave God all the glory. It is important I say this; when you go through things you don’t understand 2 things are important; 1, Praise God 2, Rebuke the enemy.
Job praised God, that’s excellent but he could have gone further to rebuke the enemy in the name of God, though God might still allow the enemy to do all he did, but it is wrong to always conclude that God is taking you through calamities.
Heaven celebrated the fact that he wouldn’t sin against God in his difficult time, though he has done all to please God, and God himself testified to his righteousness, yet he wouldn’t feel disappointed at God, he wouldn’t speak ill of God, he wouldn’t say, ‘ why me, righteous man, why not that sinner ‘, he understood that God must be up to something, God is perfect in all His decisions, so he went ahead to praise God all the way.
There are many things we don’t understand, and we probably might not understand, but rather give God all the glory despite all we go through. I am making 2 valid points here; 1, While you rebuke the devil over things you go through, I mean don’t always jump at the conclusion that this is from God. 2, Praise God like Job no matter what happens.
Job understood that God must not be blamed for anything, he knew even if he dies in the midst of calamities God is still God, and then he said in Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. That is how much he trusted God, even when he doesn’t understand him, he kept trusting God and praising Him.
Sometimes like Job you have done everything right, even rebuke the enemy in fasting and prayer but can’t understand why things remain unchanged, it happens to everyone not only you , just praise God like Job, ‘ Blessed be the name of the Lord ‘, that kind of praise smashes the head of the devil, it brings the devil to a point of confusion, he wouldn’t understand where you got strength to praise the Lord.
* Lord I thank you for things I don’t understand.
2 Samuel 22, Revelation 18.
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