21st December
Text: Ezekiel 22:30 KJV
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
We have learnt that God is always in search for men, not just ordinary men but intercessors who will move Him to change His mind from destroying a person, a family, a people or even a nation according to Ezekiel 22:30.
The first thing we want to consider today is why does God seek for men who would pray to Him to have mercy and change His mind from releasing His wrath upon people or nations? This is because:
* God is perfect and without injustice: Deuteronomy 32:4 says “His (God) work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He”, It means God is oblige to judge the sin and wickedness of men and nations, and so He always seek for a man who will plead to Him for mercy upon those men and nations.
* The sins of men cry to God for judgement: The wickedness of men and nations cry to God for judgement against them. This is affirmed in Genesis 18: 20-21 “And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.”, so the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah cried to God for judgement, and because they were guilty and God wanted to show mercy so He needed an intercessor to stand in gap and so He told Abraham what He wanted to do.
The second thing we want to learn is that God never do a thing without revealing it. In Numbers 14, when Israel murmured against God and He wanted to destroy them, He told Moses who interceded for them, In Genesis 18, when God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He told Abraham. In Jonah 1, when God wanted to destroy Nineveh, He told Jonah to go and warn them and in Ezekiel 22:30-31, when God wanted to destroy a nation, He sought for a man who will stand in gap for the nation that He might not destroy it but when He found no man, He poured his indignation upon them. Amos 3:7 says “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”
Dearly beloved, when God reveal things to you especially about others or nations don’t take it with levity, go on your knees and intercede for God’s mercy upon that person, people, family or nations. God bless you
* Father, give me passion to intercede for other in Jesus Name
* Father, where you are counting on me to intercede for others help me not to fail you in Jesus Name.
Judges 4, Colossians 5.
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Dated: 29th – 31st December 2017.
Venue: BEAUTIFUL GATE, Ejigbo.
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