13th November
Text. : Psalms 75:6,7
6: For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
7: But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
Giving thought to why some people are rich and some poor, or why some seem to live in high class while others belong to the low class, one comes to conclusion that God is the determinant. His ways are unique, but he does not leave us in the dark, he has criteria for lifting men.
But believe me, in whatever class everyone of us belongs, God is not partial . God lifts, no one attains any height without God, you must have observed that, the person with the best result from college or university does not always get the best job, our world is filled with surprises as a nobody suddenly becomes somebody.
Efforts is good, but not all efforts result into success, some are even tired of making efforts because life seems not to recognize their labour, some people think they are handling wrong things, but that’s not always correct, some think because they applied wrong method, that also is not 100 percent correct, the fact remains that God is the lifter.
Acknowledging God as the lifter is the first step to being lifted, understanding that God can lift you by whatever means is the second step to lifting, how do I mean? Some think they can be rich by doing the best job, or winning big contract, it is important you know that it God who determines the means, and he can bless you by whatever means, it was a stone on a sling that killed the great Goliath. The size of your business or work does not matter here, the most important thing is the blessing of God on what you do.
Since God is the determinant here, you will agree with me that the primary thing to do is get God’s favour, while that of men will follow automatically. I found a scripture for this, look at it here: If you will seek God diligently and make your supplication to the Almighty,Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 8:5,7.
Seeking God diligently is the beginning of stepping into your next level. He is the one and only person who can promote you, and change your status. Life will make no meaning without him, effort will be futile without him. Abstaining from sin and diligent search of God will transform your life , by strength shall no man prevail. God bless you.
* Lord change my status.
* Lift me to a higher ground .
Deuteronomy 26, 2 Corinthians 4.
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