22nd August
Text: John 15:13 KJV
13 Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.
A popular hymn is sang thus “There’s not a friend like the lonely Jesus, No not one, No not one. Jesus Christ is a friend of all ages; the young, the old, the aged, and even the children (Mark 10:13-16), a friend to the rich (Mark 10:18-21) and to the poor, a friend to sinners (Mark10:45) and saints (Mark 10:32).
He is a friend who loves unconditionally, a friend at all seasons, a friend in the good time, a friend in the bad time. In His trials He was a friend, when soldiers came to arrest Him, and Peter cut off ear of one of the soldiers, Jesus rebuked Peter and restored the cut ear (Mathew 26:51-53). In the time of agony, He was a friend of all, when Jesus was being crucified on the cross, in that agony He still prayed for mercy for the very people (crowd) who demanded He should be crucified and nailed to the cross, He said “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots” (Luke 23:34).
Jesus is a friend to the hopeless, in fact He is the hope of the hopeless. The thief who was on the left side of Jesus on the cross certainly was hopeless, so hopeless that ones he died on the cross he would be welcome in hell and would be lost forever, this thief was moved by the accusation of his colleague (another thief on the right hand of Jesus on the cross) against Jesus and he defended Jesus, that they (the two thieves were worthy of being crucified because they were thieves but not a sinless Jesus). The thief on the left of Jesus then made a request saying “Lord remember me in your kingdom” and Jesus said tonight “you will be with me in paradise”. So his lost hope was restored, his eternity was changed from hell to paradise because of a dear friend Jesus (Luke 23:39-43).
Dearly beloved, are you burdened, troubled, confused, are you in pains, agony or shame. Has life being unfair to you or devil has messed you up, whatever your condition, Jesus is the dearest friend who can help you. Even if you have lost all hope, turn to Jesus because He is the hope of the hopeless. Just call upon Him today. God bless you (Romans 10:13).
* Jesus my dearest friend, help me never lose touch of you.
Exodus 22, John 4.
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