• Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

Prevailing Voice Daily 2nd July

2nd July
( LIGHT OUT part 2 )
Text : Matthew 25:1-13
St. Matthew 25:5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
St. Matthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
St. Matthew 25:7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
This is a popular parable of Jesus Christ, let me quickly say this;Jesus meant every word he said in the bible, parables are not jokes but illustrations to buttress actual points. The fact that there is no portion of the bible that says ‘Jesus laughed ‘ or ‘ smiled ‘ or ‘ danced ‘ except ‘ Jesus wept ‘ is a proof that none of His words was a joke.
From our passage He started by saying in St. Matthew 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Virgins are young ladies who have not slept with men, they are not defied, they represent holy Christians, they are the bride of Jesus.
‘ Which took their lamps ‘ they were are charged with the responsibility of carrying their lamps, giving light, they are not meant to just sit idle, they suppose to keep their lights on, watching and waiting for the bridegroom, Jesus. At a point they got tired and slept. Christians who were once vibrant for God and now sleeping, before now we can go anywhere, doing anything for God but now weary, we now cancel evangelism, vigils, fasting, bible studies because people are very busy, we reduced Sunday worship service to 1 hour. We no longer want to stress ourselves for the kingdom purpose. The church, the bride of Jesus, is sleeping.
There was a cry ‘ the bridegroom comes ‘ God is merciful He won’t sell us out, so there is a reawakening, God is waking us from our sleep, but quite unfortunate half of the virgins were foolish, 50 percent of the Christians, according to Jesus in our passage, were not wise, why? No extra oil to shine, shining is the concern of Jesus, keep shining, He hates darkness, I see Jesus saying ‘ give no room for darkness ‘ let your shine Matthew 5:16, Isaiah 60:1, He takes serious exception to darkness, if He appears to you, and if there is anything He will tell you is ‘ let your light shine ‘ .
Christ is passionate about lighting, even the foolish virgins knew that, they made haste to get extra oil, alas, it was too late, they trimmed their lamps but no extra oil to keep it burning, they knew Jesus will take no excuse for darkness.
Beloved, it is important we check our oil, are you still burning? What is sustaining you, won’t you run out oil soonest? Put out darkness in your environment, be a radiant light, change people’s lives through the gospel, give attention to the youths around you before they go uncontrollable. Shine! Shine!! Shine!!!
* Help me not to be found wanting when you come.
Genesis 22, Matthew 24.
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