• Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

21 June
Text : 1 John 5:1-21
1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
1 John 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
Life on earth is not without challenges, this is basically because it is not heaven, heaven is the only trouble free zone. Challenges ranging from financial to spiritual to marital to physical, devil is still let lose, he moves about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. So there is continuous contest with the devil till the trumpet sound.
Victory is assured per time and that is what I am sharing this morning ‘ OUR VICTORY ‘, it is erroneous to say that there will be no battle, there will definitely be battles but victory is ascertained.
From our text ‘ whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world…’ ‘ the world ‘ in this context what does it mean? Place of challenges, problems, sin, and evil. Anyone born of God overcomes the challenges, trouble , evil in this world.
What is it that brings about our victory? OUR FAITH…Faith in who and what? Faith in Christ, believing that He died and rose again, believing that He is the saviour of the everyone that believes in Him. This faith brings power and victory over every challenge of life, it doesn’t matter the magnitude of this challenge or problem, everyone who has this faith cannot be cannot be conquered.
How is this faith utilized? It is like a riffle, you need to press the trigger to release bullet, you press your trigger through prayer, especially when you can speak in tongues it sounds like shooting gun. Prayer time is time to lunch attack against the enemy, undo all that the devil has done through prayer, frustrate his plans. Do you have night mare? Cancel it through prayer.
Faith is believing to the every end, no retreat no surrender, no looking back. No alternative to faith, keep trusting, keep praying, include fasting when necessary. I have practiced this over the years and I have recorded victory in several areas of my life, I am speaking from experience; there is factually no area of my life that is not challenged but I have recorded victory in Christ through this process. No matter what you are going through, victory is ascertained. God bless you.
* Address areas of your life that is challenged through prayer and fasting this day applying the name of Jesus.
* Send prayer point if you want us to agree with you on anything.
Genesis 11, Matthew 13.
For prayer and counselling call this lines
Thursday 6.30- 8pm
@ 5, Adebisi street Itire
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