• Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

8th June
Text: Romans 12:1-2 KJV
1- I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
In part 1 & 2 of this devotional topic (30th May & 6 June @ www.raisedbygrace.wordpress.com), it was resolved that:
* Don’t ever be conformed to the world
* Be transformed both within and without (your without is a reflection of your within)
* Being transformed starts by renewing your mind
* Mind renewal process is continuous so long you living in this world
Today, by His grace we want to consider tools to renew our minds.
Every profession has tools with which they work ,they are identified and keep fit into that profession. For example, if you enter a hospital without any help, you could easily identify any one with a stethoscope around the neck as a doctor and could easily approach the same for your issues, note that the doctor uses that tool for as long as he/she practise that profession. In like manner as genuine Christians, God has given us basic tools to walk with, live by, known for, renew our minds with and to stay fit as regenerated souls. These are:

  • THE WORD OF GOD: This is an active tool to renewing our minds and stay transformed. When you feed your mind CONSTANTLY with the word of God, it cleanses you (John 15:3), it produces right and good fruits in you (John 15:5), it gives life to your soul (John 16: 63), it refines and refreshes you continually (Acts 3:19), it illuminates your life (Psalms119: 105), it gives you understanding (Psalms 119:130) e.t.c When all these and many more happen to your mind, it transcends to your spirit and then to your outward body.
  • PRAYER: This is another potent tool to renewing your mind, as you feed your mind with the life of God’s word, you need to pray the words into reality in your life. Prayer connects your spirit to God enabling you and God to communicate to each other. As you pray CONSTANTLY, the presence of God will be released upon you, and His glory will radiate upon your life that even the devil, his agents and the world will known that you have been spending quality time with God somewhere.

  • FASTING: Fasting also is a great tool that keeps your mind fit spiritually, it subdues your flesh and uplifts your spirit making access to the throne of grace easier. It also sharpens your spirit and increase your connectivity to the Holy spirit.

Beloved, these are basic tools for foundational growth in Christianity and for your mind renewing process so you can be transformed into a personality of God. God bless you.
* Father, help me to maintain constant relationship with you in word, prayer and fasting in Jesus Name.
Malachi 3
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