8th April
Text: Genesis 18:19 KJV
A great family is a family of God, it is a home or family that exalts and establish the rule and the presence of the Almighty God. The family is great because God is great and His greatness is bound to manifest in such home.
The presence of God in such a family guarantees:
* peace from above
* abundant provision
* sound health
* prosperity
* success e.t.c
God does not joke with a home where His presence is established. From our scriptural text above, God had a great testimony concerning Abraham and his household and so God was ready to bless, defend and be associated with this great family of Abraham.
On the other such home (a great family) is of great interest to the devil. A typical example was the family of Job (Job 1: 8-11), both God and devil had interest in the family of Job, even devil confirmed that Job’s family was a great family. see what verse 10 says ” Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land”. The devil then sought permission from God to afflict the family of Job to prove whether Job truly knew God. In same manner the devil is always at war to bring down a great family, he fights against their peace, provision, sound health, prosperity, success e.t.c.
Dearly beloved, God is equally ready to defend a great family from the affairs and affliction of the devil. Is your family a great family? Are you afflicted of the devil? cry to God for He is ready to defend you. God bless you.
* Father, make my family a great family of yours in Jesus Name
* Father, defend my home from every unfruitful works of darkness in Jesus Name
Ezekiel 30, 31
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@ PRAISE PAVILION 2 Aceland Avenue Ile epo Ejigbo 9-11am
@ PREVAILING FAMILY llasa. 29 Aje street Ilasa 4-5.30 pm
CHILD COLLEGE 5.30- 6.30pm
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