15th March
Text: Psalms 8:1-9
Psalms 8:4 what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?
Psalms 8:5 For you made us only a little lower than God, and you crowned us with glory and honor.
Psalms 8:6 You put us in charge of everything you made, giving us authority over all things—
As I was growing up as a young Christian, I understood that ; the bible is the word of God, no part of it is exaggerated. I don’t see the instructions as God speaking to some people but God speaking to me, this understanding made me believe God’s word and apply it to my life.
When God made man in His image and likeness, He endowed Him with power to act like Him, He delegated authority to man, Adam was in charge of all He made in Eden, when Adam lost it, Jesus came to restore us to that state of authority and dominion. God did not make a man that will be controlled by circumstances, rather a man that will represent Him, and exercise authority on His behalf.
The psalmist in our text today made us know that God has put everything under our feet: it means man can walk out of unfavorable circumstances around him, man can create a beautiful life from ugly situation around him by the power God gave him in Christ.
We have power through Christ to turn things around, your circumstance is not meant to bow your head, the authority in Jesus Christ can crash and crumble every mountain, problems are solved at the mention of the name of Jesus, with Jesus in our lives and on our sides the impossible becomes possible, look at this: Philippians 4:13 For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. NLT, noted the word EVERYTHING it means exemption to nothing.
Understanding that you have power in Christ and utilizing the power brings victory into your life, you are bigger than the devil, witches, wizards, occult men, none of them can stand the power you have in Christ Jesus. Believe this, activate the power by faith, exercise it by making declarations into your life and circumstance, when you couple prayer with fasting it’s like pouring fuel in fire, your enemies cannot stand the explosion of the fire that comes when you fast and pray. God bless you.
* Accept Jesus as Lord and saviour if you have not.
* Use the power you have in Christ Jesus this day .
* Speak to circumstances around your life, command them in your Favour.
* Rebuke the devil in every way and on every side.
It is another day to fast and pray, endeavor to be part of it.
Ezekiel 33,34
For prayer and counselling call this lines
Thursday 6.30- 8pm
@ 5, Adebisi street Itire
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