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Prevailing Voice Daily 14th January

Jan 14, 2017

14th January
Text: Genesis 2:22-25KJV
22- And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23- And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24- Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25- And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
According to our scriptural text for today’s devotional, God made the woman out of one of the ribs of the man, and the man (Adam) saw her ,he named her woman and said she was the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. The bible concluded, by saying both of them were naked (their bodies were not covered with clothes) and they were not ashamed.
I see that sentence as a mystery “And they were both naked, the man and his wife and were not ashamed”. Let’s consider a few meaning of the above scriptural sentence. It means:
* God’s glory covered them: Both were physically naked and yet without shame, means something beyond what the physical eyes can see but only the spiritual eyes can see covered them and that is God’s glory. When a family is in right standing with God, He will cover them with His glory and no matter what challenges they go through all that people will see is God’s glory and no shame at all. You will hear people say we can see the glory of God upon your home, even when the couples felt people have seen their nakedness (by nakedness we mean challenges of life & marriage).
* No secrecy between them: both of them being naked connotes everything was in the open to both husband and wife, no secrecy, no hidden truth kept from each other. It means the husband and the wife are on the same page, they open up to each other without hiding anything. It means they talk and discuss about everything (effective communication), and they never assume their partner understand issues without discussing it.
* They were pure without contamination: Both Adam and Eve were pure, in the original state that God made them without physical or spiritual contamination. They did not give room for third party intrusion, it was just a perfect relationship between themselves and their God. That’s why even though they were naked, there was no shame at all.
Dearly beloved, the lessons above is for our meditation and consideration. How is your family in the light of the scriptures above? As husband and wife, are you naked without shame? or you have covered your nakedness with lies, infidelity, irresponsibility e.t.c instead of God’s glory. Has God’s love and glory in your home been contaminated or replaced with hatred and shame?. Speak to God for restoration today. God bless you
* Father, Let your glory cover my home and let shame be a thing of the past in Jesus Name.
* Everything that is not your original plan for my family, Father destroy them today in Jesus Name.
Isaiah 49,50
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