• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Prevailing Voice Daily 2nd November

Nov 29, 2016

2nd November
Text. : Romans 12: 1-10
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The report of what the Lord is doing through PREVAILING VOICE DAILY confirms that each write up is inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT. Many lives have been touched in no small measure, destines have been transformed through this platform. It is much more than a secular school because through it you have understanding of life’s matters.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me on 1st of November,’ it is a new season ‘ and that I explained with scriptural passage yesterday. It is absolutely important you understand how to work in your new realm, firstly, you must believe and connect to the Prophetic Declaration ( watch the video that follows today’s write up). Believe and connect by faith to every blessing released.
Secondly, present yourself to God, commit your life to God by surrendering to His will for your life Romans 12:1. Thirdly, do not go the way of the world, the way of sinners, do not be conformed to this world. Romans 12:2, Psalms 1:1.
Fourthly, transformation into newness of life comes as you renew your mind, do not set your heart on old experiences, forget your failures, and disappointments, expect new good things, expect success, breakthrough, lifting, do away with thought of failing when you try again, as you try this time, you will definitely testify because it is A NEW SEASON, you are meant to operate in new realm. God bless you.
* Tell the Lord to remove every thought of bad experience that beclouds your mind.
* Commit your life afresh to God’s will, as you renew your mind to His will, He will renew your life with packages of blessing.
* Say, Lord I receive new packages of blessing this day.
Psalms 114,115
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This Thursday @ 6.30pm
@ 5 Adebisi Itire Lagos
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