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Prevailing Voice Daily 24th August

Aug 24, 2016

Text. : Matthew 14: 24-36
St. Matthew 14:24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.
St. Matthew 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
St. Matthew 14:32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
If there are no contrary forces everyone will prosper, but the presence of strange and contrary forces has eroded many of their glorious destinies, many live in misery not because they are destined to be miserable but because there are contrary forces against their lives. Contrary wind has made many to die untimely, it left many frustrated, discouraged, some have lost hope of a glorious life.
Strange occurrences within and around one’s life are key indicators that contrary wind is bowing around such life.
From our passage; the disciples of Jesus had encounter with contrary wind, the scripture explains how they dealt with it. They invited Jesus into the ship and the wind ceased, of course if Jesus is the Lord of your life, no evil wind can overpower you. If Jesus is in your life, the wind that wants to sweep you will need to sweep Jesus along with you. This understanding has brought me victories over the years, I have been through things and came out victoriously.
Everyone who has Jesus in his or her must stand in the authority of the name of Jesus to challenge every strange occurrence in his or her life, strange things don’t just happen, strange forces are responsible for strange acts. Today confront every strange wind blowing against your progress, prosperity, marriage, finances, health, business and ministry. You can be sure of testimony. God bless you.
* Every evil wind blowing into my life be still right now.
* Every strange power working against my life be paralyzed right now.
* Every force contradicting my effort give up right now.
* I destroy every strange work of darkness in my life.
* Another day to wait upon the Lord, endeavor to be part of it.
Job 25,26
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