8th February
Text : Mark 3:1-5
1 KJV:And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand.
2 KJV:And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.
5 KJV:And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.
No man works without his hands, a withered hand is relieved of work, lacks the strength to carry out work. A withered hand is always ideal, jobless, and most likely cashless. The man in our passage has physical withered hand but believe me many people go about with withered hands in the spirit realms, since it is no longer news that physical things are controlled by spiritual things, so it then means that anyone who finds it impossible to prosper in what he or she does might be going about with withered hands in the spirit realm. Until spiritual facts are dealt with no matter what you do physically it will only amount to futility.
* When whatever it handles does not prosper.
* When good things turn bad in one’s hand.
* When it’s difficult to achieve the easiest breakthrough.
* When one lives from hands to mouth even though the fellow works hard.
To liberate the man in our passage, Jesus gave two important command;
1. STAND FORTH- It means the man was either sitting or sleeping, the very first thing that will happen to you today is that you will stand, since the hands cannot work it is advisable that the man sits somewhere, so when Jesus came, first of all, He told him to stand forth, your business that has been sleeping will stand up today in the name of Jesus, your work that has been sitting is standing right now, all you need do is to believe this word of the Lord.
2, Stretch it forth; I see you stretching forth your business, there is room for expansion, productivity, enlargement, it is your time to stretch forth in business, to prosper at work, switch to a better job, promotion, the mouth of the Lord has spoken just believe and you will see the glory of the Lord. Two important things you need to do right now; STAND FORTH AND STRETCH FORTH. GOD BLESS YOU. AMEN.
* Lord, restore every withered hand of mine
* I receive power and grace to stretch forth in business, career and ministry in the name of Jesus.
Deuteronomy 27, 1Thessalonians 1
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