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Prevailing Voice Daily

Nov 30, 2015

Text : Isaiah 3:1-11
KJV:Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
KJV:Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. Isaiah 3:10,11
God programmed the earth to bring forth fruit according to the seed sown in it, He blessed the ground to yield fruit to everyone according to the kind of seed sown into it. This has been done since the foundation of the world, your kind of seed determines your kind of harvest, a man can’t sow maize and harvest yam, the amazing part of harvest is that, the quantity sown is usually small compare to what is being harvest.
Everyone who expects good harvest must be careful of what he sows and how he sows, two things to note, the seed to sow and the process of sowing, harvest is the reward of labour, so why labouring when you aren’t sure of harvest? Everyone who desires good harvest must give heed to what he sows and how he sows. From our text, God was speaking through prophet Isaiah ‘say to the righteous that it shall be well with him, for he shall eat the fruit of his doings’ in other words ‘look for the righteous and tell him, that it shall be well with him, l see his labour, and I (GOD) will ensure he eats the fruit of his labour.
A righteous man will not rob his neighbour to enrich himself, he won’t steal other peoples’ money, he won’t still office money, he won’t take bribe, he won’t defraud others, a righteous man won’t want to get rich at all cost, he believes in hard work, he believes that God will bless the little he earns. I see God saying through Isaiah I am committed to seeing the righteous prosper. The seed the righteous sows is pure, the process of sowing is pure certainly his fruit will be pure and plenty. As you go about your work and business this week be conscious to live and act in righteousness. GOD SHALL BLESS THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS. AMEN
Help me to live and act in righteousness.
3 DAYS WITH GOD is hear again, it’s another prophetic season.
Date : 27-29 December, 2015.
It’s going to be a great time in God’s presence.
READING THROUGH THE BIBLE (RTB)Leviticus 27, Romans 2.
For prayer and counselling call this lines 2348099000835,2348035310759, or fellowship with on for glorious services THIS THURSDAY
@ PREVAILING FAMILY ltire . 5 Adebisi street Itire. Lagos.
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