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Prevailing Voice Daily 3rd November

Nov 3, 2015

3rd November
Text: Romans 12:1-11 KJV
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Paul admonishes us to first present our bodies a living sacrifice, and then went further that we should complete the transformation by renewing our mind. When we gave our lives to Jesus we were changed or transformed from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light I Peter 2:9, however the key element of transformation is our soul that’s why Paul said in verse 2 that we need to continually renew our mind for our transformation to be complete and for us not to be conformed to the lifestyle of the world where we were before. Let’s consider a simple scenario, a child was born and brought up in a ghetto and was used to carrying buckets every morning to fetch water from the neighborhood, he was taken from the ghetto to a city to live in a duplex where water runs 24/7 in the apartment but surprisingly after his first night in the duplex, he woke the following morning, picks a bucket as usual and went in search of water in the neighborhood, when he came back with the water he realised he had forgotten that water runs in the house. From the story above, the young man was physically changed from a ghetto to a city but the mind was yet to be renewed not to be conformed to ghetto kind of life anymore.
1. Renewing your mind daily with the word of God
2. Stay connected to God in prayer and absolute reliance on the Holy Spirit
Father, help me to stay connected to you always and let me not lose a grip of you in Jesus Name.
Leviticus 2, Acts 5.
For prayer and counseling call these line
2348099000835, 2348035310759, or fellowship with on Sundays 4-5.30pm (llasa centre) @ 29 Aje street llasa, 5-6:30pm (Ejigbo centre) on Sundays @ HAPPY CHILD COLLEGE on Mufutau Olanihun street off Brethren Avenue Ejigbo, on Thursdays 6.30-8pm (Itire
centre) 5 Adebisi street). Worship with us for a glorious service on Sunday 9-11am @ 2 Aceland Avenue lle-epo bus stop ejigbo
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