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Prevailing Voice Daily 12th October

Oct 12, 2015

12th October
Text : Ecclesiastes 9: 1-10
KJV:Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. Eccl.9;10
Work is defined as the occupation for which you are paid, while commitment is defined as the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose, putting the two words together one can say working with sincerity. I have discovered that the value you place on your work determines what you get from it, even when you are not well paid, you will definitely get due reward of your commitment.
God has programmed the ground to recognise everyman’s work and to give due reward to everyman’s labour. Look this ‘KJV:While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.’ Genesis 8;22 God structured this from the beginning. Those who give up too soon, because of poor income don’t get the fruit of their labour, your commitment to your present job can find you better one, nobody wants to employ a lazy man and if you can prove your commitment to work, you will definitely be considered for a better job.
A very vital point every worker should know is this; what you sow, you will reap, do your boss’ work like yours, work righteously, there is blessing upon the work of the righteous, you need to read this KJV:Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Isaiah 3:10.God is committed to rewarding every righteous worker, but if you are not righteous devil stands the chance of manipulating your works, making you to work without having things to show it, even when you are well paid. Do have a great week, GOD BLESS THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS.
* What you sow, you reap.
* God is committed to blessing the works of the righteous.
* Devil can manipulate your blessing if you’re not born again.
* Commitment to your present job will find you a better one.
* It shall be well with only the righteous.
* Lord, help me to live righteously.
* Help to be committed my work.
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Sundays 4-5.30pm(llasa centre) @ 29 Aje street llasa,
6-7pm (Ejigbo centre) on sunday@ 22 Brethren avenue Ejigbo,
on Wednesday 6.30-8pm (Itire centre) 5 Adebisi street).
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@ 2 Aceland Avenue lle-epo bus stop ejigbo
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