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Prevailing Voice Daily 9th October

Oct 9, 2015

9th October
Text: Exodus 7: 1-25 KJV
1 And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
2 Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.
3 And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.
Many-a time when I speak with people about the state of our nation Nigeria, I have observed most of the time that majority of them (Christians) believe Nigeria can not get better because of the high level of corruption, many of them are always of the notion that one good man in the seat of power cannot change Nigeria for better, that such a good man won’t last on the seat because of other corrupt multitude. True as what they say may be, but my question has always been where do they put the place of God.
In our text today, Moses was just one man but with God he was a majority. If you study the scriptures very well, Moses-a single with God on his side shook the whole nation of Egypt to its foundation, with mighty signs and wonders till Israel was set free from Captivity.
What about Daniel, Daniel 1,2, and 6. Daniel was a slave in Babylon, yet he ruled in a position that even the citizens of babylon did not ruled and display mightily the spirit, power and wisdom of God such that decrees were made that all people of Babylon should serve the God of Daniel (that is one man majority).
Dearly beloved, God is not moved by multitude, in fact he has always sought for just a man Ezekiel 22:30 who walk in absolute dependence on God and God will make him like a majority to do great things. Will you be one man majority of God? Just surrender your totality to Him and he will move nations through you. God bless you
1. Father, I surrender myself unto you, make out of me what you want me to be in Jesus Name
2. Lord, when you are looking for whom to use, Father, my life is available, use me
For prayer and counselling call this lines 08099000835,08035310759, or fellowship with on Sundays 4-5.30pm(llasa centre) @ 29 Aje street llasa, 6-7pm (Ejigbo centre) on Sunday@ 22 Brethren avenue Ejigbo, on Wednesday 6.30-8pm (Itire centre) 5 Adebisi street). Worship with us for a glorious service on Sunday 9-11am @ 2 Aceland Avenue lle-epo bus stop ejigbo
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