• Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

Prevailing Voice Daily 1st October

Oct 1, 2015

1st October
Text ; Psalm 8: 1-9
KJV:What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
KJV:For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
KJV:Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:
The psalmist from our text reveals to us the position of man in creation, he started (from verse 3) by enumerating great creatures of God; heavens, sun, and moon, he discovered and reveals to us that God places high value on man. God crowned man with glory and honour, He also gave him dominion over the works of His hands. Every man is made with dominion, power to rule, to control affairs of his life. Everyone who will exercise this dominion the psalmist talked about must have understanding of 2 basic things;
1, Man is a spirit being: every man or woman is made up of spirit, soul and body. the spirit of man dwells inside his body, the body is like clothe, when a man dies he puts off his body like clothe while his spirit lives. Everything about man is spiritual, and the spiritual controls the physical, before you can experience breakthrough physically it must first happen in the spirit, so the first process is to login to the spirit realm and that is done through prayer. It therefore means, if I want breakthrough, success, prosperity in this new month, I must command their manifestations in the spirit realm through prayer. Every child of God has dominion over circumstances of life, this dominion is expressed in the place of prayer. Look at this ‘….thou hast put all things under his feet:’ psalm 8;6. When you express faith in the place of prayer your desire comes to reality.
2, Sin reduces power: when Adam sinned, he lost the power and authority, he became exposed to hazards of life, same with us; when we sin we give satan and his host a chance, we won’t be able to exercise dominion over them.
* When you become born again, you’re given dominion. John 1:12
* Your expression in the place of prayer becomes an experience when it is done with faith.
* Sin is capable of incapacitating your spiritual capacity (strength).
* Command what you want to experience this month.
* Remove obstacles from your way.
* With faith in your heart command whatever appears impossible in your life to become possible. God Bless You. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
for prayer and counselling call this lines 08099000835,08035310759, or fellowship with on
Sundays 4-5.30pm(llasa centre) @ 29 Aje street llasa,
6-7pm (Ejigbo centre) on sunday@ 22 Brethren avenue Ejigbo,
on Wednesday 6.30-8pm (Itire centre) 5 Adebisi street).
Worship with us for a glorious service on Sunday 9-11am
@ 2 Aceland Avenue lle-epo bus stop ejigbo
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